Reguirements | |||
<id> | <system> | shall <function> | priority |
1 | SportIS - core | Add new <team> with attributes; administrator can set number of attributes and set its name, value and visibility. | 1 |
2 | SportIS - core | Xml view of database content (<team>,<user>). | |
3 | SportIS - core | SSL use od SportIS funciton (respection a visibility all function). | |
4 | SportIS - core | DB scheme and function for discusion board. | |
5 | SportIS - core | Plot a graph and table from stored data. | |
6 | SportIS - core | Functiont to load and unload SportIS module (module example: pdf report, mail services, blogs...). | |
7 | SportIS - core | Add, remove, change a <user> to system. Administrator can set number of attributes and set his name, value,visibility and integrit constraint. | |
8 | SportIS - core | Add, remove, change a <result> of match; states of result: official/unofficial. | |
9 | SportIS - core | Integrity constrains dor every sport; function to manage constrains by users (administrator); sport: football, tenis, ... | |
10 | SportIS - core | DB scheme and function for commentary (commentary would be add to article, oerson, match, photo). | |
11 | SportIS - core | Manage system to photo, article and its DB scheme. | |